传统体育 Traditional Sports

武术 Chinese Martial Art


Chinese martial arts, a gem of traditional culture, blends diverse combat moves, emphasizes inner and outer cultivation, and exhibits profound cultural connotations and distinct practicality.


太极 Tai Chi


Tai Chi is a kind of sports practice characterized by the traditional Chinese philosophical thoughts of the cycle of yin and yang and the unity of man and nature as well as the concept of health preservation. 

(图片来自:太极拳 – 中国非物质文化遗产网·中国非物质文化遗产数字博物馆

舞龙舞狮 Loong-lion dance


Loong-lion sports are outstanding traditional sports activities of Chinese. They are sports that integrate Chinese history, culture and sports, possessing strong ethnic characteristics and a long history and profound cultural heritage.


射箭 Archery


“Archery” culture is one of the oldest cultures in China. In the context of modern sports competition, archery not only belongs to sports competitions but is also one of the earliest sports competition activities in world.

(图片来自:王致诚乾隆射箭图屏 – 故宫博物院

摔跤 Wrestling


Wrestling is one of the oldest traditional sports in China. Ancient wrestling activities emerged as early as over 5,000 years ago in the era of the Yellow Emperor.

(图片来自:《版刻摔跤图》 – 故宫博物院

赛龙舟 Dragon boat racing


Dragon boat racing is one of the customs of the Dragon Boat Festival in China and also one of the most important folk activities during the festival. It is widespread in southern China.

(图片来自:赛龙舟 过端午_要闻图片_中国政府网