神话故事–Chinese Myths

女娲补天–Nüwa Mending the Sky

The story of Nüwa Mending the Sky is an ancient Chinese myth about Nüwa, who used colorful stones to patch up the sky and save the world from destruction.

精卫填海–Jingwei Filling the Sea

In Chinese mythology, Jingwei was originally the daughter of Emperor Yan. She unfortunately fell into the sea and then transformed into a bird. She was determined to fill the sea and carried stones and branches to do so.

后羿射日–Houyi Shoots the Suns

In ancient times, ten suns rose in the sky simultaneously, which made the earth extremely hot and cracked. Houyi, a brave and skilled archer, drew his bow and shot arrows. He managed to shoot down nine of the suns, thus saving all living beings on the earth from the terrible disaster.

嫦娥奔月–Chang’e Flies to the Moon

Chang’e, the wife of Houyi, accidentally swallowed the elixir of immortality and then floated towards the Moon Palace. Since then, she has been separated from Houyi forever.

夸父追日–Kua Fu Chases the Sun

Kua Fu was determined to chase the sun. Despite extreme thirst and exhaustion, he still pressed on bravely. Eventually, he died of thirst on the way, and his walking stick turned into a peach grove.

大禹治水–Emperor Yu Combating Flood

Emperor Yu was assigned to combat the flood. He passed by his home three times without entering, and with his wisdom and perseverance, he finally conquered the flood and benefited all the people by dredging river channels and other means.

愚公移山–The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains

“The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains” is a story about an old man named Yu Gong who, with unwavering determination and the continued effort of his descendants, attempts to remove two mountains that block his path.

牛郎织女–The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl

“The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl” is a Chinese ancient myth about a cowherd and a weaver girl who are lovers but are separated by the Milky Way due to celestial rules, only allowed to meet once a year on the Qixi Festival.

神农尝草–Shennong Tasted the Herbs

Shennong tasted various plants to discover medicinal herbs and food, bringing medical knowledge and agricultural wisdom to humanity.

盘古开天–Pangu Separates the Sky from the Earth

Pangu was born in chaos. He wielded a huge axe to split the chaos. The light substances rose to form the sky and the heavy ones sank to form the earth. He supported the sky and the earth with his own body and finally his body transformed into all things in the world.

伏羲画卦–Fu Xi Draws the Trigrams

Fu Xi observed the celestial phenomena above and examined the geographical features below. Through observing and reflecting on natural phenomena, he drew the Eight Trigrams, which pioneered the Chinese nation’s understanding of everything in the universe.

仓颉造字–Cangjie Creates Chinese Characters

Inspired by natural phenomena such as the footprints of birds and beasts, Cangjie invented Chinese characters through observation, thinking and creation. This ended the history of knot-tying for record-keeping and had a profound impact on the inheritance and development of Chinese culture.