小暑,是二十四节气中的第十一个节气,通常在公历 7 月 6 – 8 日交节。此时,暑气逐渐上升,大地宛如被热浪笼罩,但还未到达酷热难耐的极致,是炎热天气的开端,标志着季夏时节的正式来临,也预示着即将进入三伏天,为一年中最热的时段拉开序幕。
小暑在我国有着悠久的历史,早在《月令七十二候集解》中就有记载:“六月节…… 暑,热也,就热之中分为大小,月初为小,月中为大,今则热气犹小也。” 古人通过对自然气候细致入微的观察,精准地划分出小暑这一节气,并依据其气候特点安排农事活动。在传统农业社会,小暑时节气温升高,雨水充沛,农作物生长迅速,但同时也伴随着病虫害的威胁。因此,农民们会加强田间管理,进行灌溉、施肥、除草以及防治病虫害等工作,以确保农作物茁壮成长,为秋季的丰收奠定基础。
小暑有着独特的饮食习俗。民间有 “小暑吃藕” 的传统,藕在夏季上市,口感脆嫩,清甜多汁。藕具有清热凉血、健脾开胃等功效,非常适合在炎热的小暑时节食用,可凉拌、清炒、煲汤等,多样的烹饪方式能满足不同人的口味需求。此外,黄鳝也是小暑时节的时令美食,在一些地区有 “小暑黄鳝赛人参” 的说法。黄鳝肉质鲜美,营养丰富,富含蛋白质、维生素等多种营养成分,具有滋补身体、增强免疫力的作用,人们常将黄鳝做成红烧黄鳝、黄鳝粥等菜肴,在暑热中为身体补充能量。还有吃伏面的习俗,此时新麦已收割,用新麦磨成的面粉制作面条,食用伏面寓意着驱散暑气,迎接三伏天的挑战,也有祝福健康长寿之意。
小暑期间的传统活动丰富多样。“晒伏” 是一项较为普遍的活动,人们会在小暑这一天将家中的衣物、被褥、书籍等拿出来晾晒,因为小暑时节阳光强烈,紫外线充足,能够有效去除衣物中的湿气和细菌,防止发霉变质,同时也有驱虫的作用。在一些地方,还有 “斗蟋蟀” 的娱乐活动,小暑时节,蟋蟀大量繁殖,人们捕捉蟋蟀并精心饲养,然后让它们相互争斗,观者则在一旁助威呐喊,这一活动充满了趣味性和竞技性,为夏日生活增添了不少乐趣,也成为民间传统文化的独特景观。此外,小暑时节,寺庙道观会举行一些祈福法会,人们前往参拜,祈求风调雨顺、平安健康,反映了人们在炎热夏季对美好生活的向往与精神寄托。
Slight Heat: The Arrival of Warm Winds, the Beginning of Summer Heat
Slight Heat is the eleventh solar term among the twenty – four solar terms, usually occurring around July 6 – 8 in the Gregorian calendar. At this time, the summer heat gradually rises and the earth seems to be covered by heat waves, but it has not reached the extreme of unbearable heat. It is the beginning of hot weather, marking the official arrival of the midsummer season and also heralding the approaching dog days, kicking off the hottest period of the year.
1. Historical Origin of Slight Heat
Slight Heat has a long history in China. As early as recorded in “The Collection and Explanation of the Seventy – two Phenological Terms of the Monthly Ordinances”: “The solar term in the sixth lunar month… ‘Shu’ means heat. Among the heat, it is divided into major and minor. The beginning of the month is slight and the middle of the month is major. Now the heat is still relatively small.” The ancients, through their meticulous observation of the natural climate, accurately divided the Slight Heat solar term and arranged farming activities according to its climatic characteristics. In traditional agricultural society, during the Slight Heat season, the temperature rises, there is abundant rainfall, and crops grow rapidly, but they are also accompanied by the threat of pests and diseases. Therefore, farmers would strengthen field management, carry out irrigation, fertilization, weeding and pest control work to ensure the healthy growth of crops and lay the foundation for the autumn harvest.
2. Folk Culture of Slight Heat
(1) Dietary Customs
Slight Heat has unique dietary customs. There is a traditional custom of “eating lotus root in Slight Heat” among the people. Lotus root is available in summer, with a crisp and tender texture and sweet and juicy taste. Lotus root has effects such as clearing heat, cooling blood, strengthening the spleen and stimulating the appetite. It is very suitable for consumption in the hot Slight Heat season. It can be made into cold dishes, stir – fried, or used to make soup. Various cooking methods can meet the taste needs of different people. In addition, eel is also a seasonal delicacy in Slight Heat. In some regions, there is a saying that “eel in Slight Heat is as good as ginseng”. Eel has delicious meat and is rich in nutrition, containing a variety of nutrients such as protein and vitamins. It has the functions of nourishing the body and enhancing immunity. People often make eel into dishes such as braised eel and eel porridge to replenish energy for the body in the summer heat. There is also a custom of eating “dog day noodles”. At this time, the new wheat has been harvested. Noodles are made from the newly harvested wheat flour. Eating “dog day noodles” implies dispelling the summer heat and facing the challenges of the dog days. It also has the meaning of wishing for good health and longevity.
(2) Traditional Activities
The traditional activities during the Slight Heat season are rich and diverse. “Sunning in dog days” is a relatively common activity. People will take out clothes, bedding, books and other items at home to sun them on the day of Slight Heat. Because the sunlight is strong and the ultraviolet rays are sufficient during the Slight Heat season, it can effectively remove moisture and bacteria from clothes, prevent mildew and deterioration, and also has the function of repelling insects. In some places, there is also an entertainment activity of “cricket fighting”. During the Slight Heat season, crickets multiply in large numbers. People catch crickets and carefully raise them, and then let them fight against each other. The spectators cheer on the sidelines. This activity is full of fun and competitiveness, adding a lot of fun to summer life and also becoming a unique landscape of folk traditional culture. In addition, during the Slight Heat season, temples and Taoist temples will hold some blessing dharma assemblies. People go to worship and pray for favorable weather, peace and health, reflecting people’s longing and spiritual sustenance for a beautiful life in the hot summer.
3. Cultural Significance of Slight Heat
Slight Heat contains profound cultural significance. From the perspective of natural phenomena, it is a manifestation of the rise in temperature and the gradual increase in summer heat, reflecting the rhythmic changes of nature in the alternation of seasons. People’s dietary and activity arrangements during the Slight Heat season are mostly to adapt to the hot climate, which shows the survival wisdom of the Chinese nation in conforming to nature. On a cultural level, the folk activities of Slight Heat inherit ancient traditional customs and enrich people’s spiritual lives. Whether it is tasting special delicacies, participating in traditional entertainment activities or religious ceremonies, they all embody people’s love for life, care for family and expectation for social harmony. Slight Heat is like a cultural symbol that closely connects natural climate, agricultural production and folk culture. In the long river of history, it carries people’s memories and emotions and continuously transmits the unique cultural charm and value concepts of the Chinese nation, inspiring people to hold on to hope in the hot summer, actively face life and welcome future harvests.