Explore the Mysteries of Millennial Chinese Traditional Medicine
中医药文化起源于远古先民对自然的探索与实践。从原始的草药运用,历经数千年发展,在春秋战国时期形成理论雏形,以《黄帝内经》等著作为代表。秦汉时体系渐趋完善,涌现出张仲景、华佗等名医大家。唐宋元明清各代持续演进,医学典籍不断丰富,流派众多。 在中国,它贯穿了民众的健康保障与文化传承,是中华民族智慧结晶。于世界范围,其独特的整体观、辨证论治等理念方法,为现代医学提供多元视角与互补思路,正逐步被全球广泛接纳与研究,在医学文化之林独树一帜,彰显着古老东方文明对人类健康事业的卓越贡献。
Traditional Chinese Medicine culture originated from the ancient ancestors’ exploration and practice of nature. Starting from the primitive use of herbs and evolving over thousands of years, it took on a theoretical prototype during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, represented by works like “Huangdi Neijing”. During the Qin and Han dynasties, the system gradually became more complete, with renowned physicians such as Zhang Zhongjing and Hua Tuo emerging. It continuously advanced through the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with a wealth of medical classics and numerous schools of thought. In China, it has run through the people’s health protection and cultural inheritance and is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation. Globally, its unique concepts and methods such as the holistic view and syndrome differentiation and treatment provide multiple perspectives and complementary ideas for modern medicine. It is gradually being widely accepted and studied around the world, standing out in the forest of medical cultures and demonstrating the outstanding contribution of the ancient Eastern civilization to the cause of human health.